by Cheryl Perrett | Feb 28, 2023 | Blog

A different but totally inspiring experience that I am still soaking up.
For a painter who loves her colour, this was the box of chocolates with the cherry on top selection! Expecting my new works to be colourful, unexpected juxtapositions. The people of Tamil Nadu and Kerala were incredibly positive and friendly, and will no doubt feature in drawings and pastels as they unfurl. Planning a show in June in Nailsworth. So better get back to the easel.
by Cheryl Perrett | Jul 10, 2022 | Blog, skyscapes

Let there be light!
I think that’s needed right now. Theres been such a fantastic response to my lampshade this year that they will be available to buy online in Autumn 2022. Designs are inspired by my landscape and sky pastels, and my abstract movement paintings. Different sizes from table top to pendants will be available… this space!!

by Cheryl Perrett | Jul 10, 2022 | Blog
2022, another year as part of Stroud Open Studios. A year where families were split up and displaced from their homes and communities in Ukraine. I decided to hold a silent auction for one of my paintings with the funds raised sent to the Red Cross appeal. Delighted it is so loved. Thanks to all who put in a bid
“We love this painting, it makes us feel happy with it’s softly bright colours and unique floral artwork. Thanks to Stroud Open Studios we met Cheryl for the first time and love her artwork, it is amazing.
But it’s much more than precious beauty, Cheryl’s painting is full of love and goodwill towards others.’ Dennis and Ann 
by Cheryl Perrett | Feb 10, 2021 | Blog
Looking back at past work often causes a new response; looking at this image I am imbued with the feeling of hope of Spring; a peaceful, restful figure painted in muted, gentle colours and tones. Still a favourite of mine. Available in Giclee Print.
by Cheryl Perrett | Feb 9, 2021 | Blog
It’s that time of year.
A time to assess the year’s work and make plans for the coming one. Thanks for your many kind words through my instagram site cherylperrettart
I was great to receive many commissions in 2020 and I’m delighted by the clients’ positive comments to their pieces.
A busy time now looking for representation in a gallery setting.
My website will now be the ‘go to place’ to catch up with studio developments and to buy directly from me. Wishing you all a positive year with lots of colour!
by Cheryl Perrett | Sep 10, 2020 | Blog
Working on a three quarter life oil painting for a client.
From a selection of charcoal and pastel studio studies with my model Callie, this final composition was chosen. I wanted to recreate some of the sweeping drawn marks from the study into the final painting. Callie as always willing and able to hold the tricky balancing and twisting poses I had in mind for this commission piece.
by Cheryl Perrett | Jun 21, 2020 | Blog, Collaborations, Dance
Working together on a concept that has been evolving for the past year.
Collaboration with Marie Louise Flexen has always been so intuitive and rewarding. Responding to her movement in charcoal and graphite powder, with the intention of working colour into it. The painting that resulted exposes some of the initial drawn marks.
Find out more about the Dance Enquiry series
by Cheryl Perrett | Apr 17, 2020 | Blog
‘Butterfly Head’ is the first panel painting in a new Series ‘The Small of IT’. Staying at home for chunks of 2020 refocussed me to revel in the beauty of the small things in nature, like so many.
I felt human ‘dominance’ fade away. The recognisable head form becomes absorbed in the surroundings, with reference to human presence being minimal. The paintings are much smaller than most of my work, measuring 30x30cm.
by Cheryl Perrett | Jul 3, 2019 | Blog
Being a painter for me is about constantly exploring, responding to the present and the past, and expanding my practise.
It seems that at present I have 3 distinct approaches: Expressive movement inspired abstracts, large female subject based gestural paintings and detailed precise small technique orientated works again with the female as the subject. This isn’t contrived but just intuitive, next week I could have 6 or 7 approaches: I don’t want to restrict my work by pigeon hole-ing it.
Life interests me and the past fascinates me. I am always watching and absorbing via sketchbooks, notes and logging moments in my head library; recall of past events and sensations combine with themes to inform what and how I paint. I am a living sponge of art.
I see the human form in landscape, we are part of it, we are it.